Farzana demonstrates hand-washing to adolescent girls and young children in 36 Bari Colony.
Farzana, age 15, is multi-talented. She sews. She’s a keen dancer and is learning karate. She also volunteers for NGO forum, Oxfam’s partner and leads hygiene promotion sessions. Having grown up in the slum, Farzana was inspired to share her knowledge of disaster preparedness and personal hygiene with others. “When I was 16, I attended sessions like these myself. That’s my inspiration: They taught me a lot and told me to share what I know. I’m exploring my potential. Maybe others have strong potential too but because of lack of resources they don’t reach their potential.”
Farzana is a resident of 36 Bari Colony, a slum in Mymensingh. Oxfam are working with partners NGO Forum to support residents.
Photo: Tom Pietrasik
Mymensingh, Bangladesh
November 17th 2014…